
About Us

Experience You Can Count On

When you or your client needs someone to review a process, assess a loss, determine  a cause, or bring engineering expertise to  bear on  an  ongoing matter, then think of GOAT Forensics.

Our basic methodology:  Gather, Organize, Analyze, and Test.

GATHER.  We use our experience to help you understand what data is important for the  matter of interest.  Usually the data falls into categories related to human factors (training, experience, oversight, health, impediments, distractions)  and processes, material and equipment,  energy and power that  interacted at the time, and environmental factors.  Witness statements, process documents, local practices, regulations, standards, official reports, maintenance and training history, and other records are also needed.  

ORGANIZE.  Materials gathered need to be integrated with the witness information to build a deep understanding of the circumstances of the event.  Rather that a sterile collection of records, the event then becomes a story that is rich in detail.

ANALYZE.   Review  of the regulations,  accepted  practices,  condition  of equipment,  and the  imparted forces on the  equipment  are  often  key.    Was  the process  going  on  at the time  appropriate?  What were the interacting factors that led to the event?  Were sequences and loads as anticipated by the responsible parties?

TEST.  Hypotheses,  equipment  performance, alternate  practices,  these are  all  candidates for testing, all leading to a report or testimony.

The  goal is  to  use  science,  experience,  and knowledge  in order to provide  our clients with  understanding.   That understanding helps  our  clients  decide the next  steps  toward resolution of their  issues.  That’s how we ensure your success.

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